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Jarrett Fijal

Justin Bieber "What Do You Mean?" (Brad Furman, dir.)

So Justin’s actually working on making quality videos, right? That’s the lesson coming from this and Mr. Bieber’s recent Moonman-winning video “Where Are U Now.” Here, Brad Furman directs Bieber in a somewhat dangerous liaison with model Xenia Deli. And the result is a further step forward from his early vids. You can sense he’s maturing, which is welcome news to some of us.

Pharrell Williams f/ Daft Punk "Gust Of Wind" (Edgar Wright, dir.)

Welcome to Fall Fest, as hosted by Pharrell Williams, Daft Punk and film director Edgar Wright. Despite the intergallactic leanings of all involved, things are kept fairly natural as they pay homage to the breeziest element. That's not to say they entirely stay earthbound: We have a troupe of ribbon dancers who could have blown in from the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon remake and the (forgive the pun, please) very rocking Daft Punk cameo takes flight as well.

Justin Timberlake "Mirrors" (Floria Sigismondi, dir.)

Justin Timberlake - Mirrors

Memories get distorted as if reflected in a funhouse mirror in this ode to enduring love. The centerpiece is an old, synchronous couple who visit a fun house of memories, remembering the ups and downs that brought them closer together, but they pass the ring onto Justin TImberlake for the last last third of this 8+ minute clip so he can navigate his own maze of mirrors. 

David Bowie "The Stars (Are Out Tonight)" (Floria Sigismondi, Dir.)

David Bowie - The Stars (Are Out Tonight)

The siren song of rock 'n' roll comes calling again for David Bowie, tempting him from his "nice life" with his lovely wife into something filled with more madness and more sex. Can he resist? Well, we already know the answer to that, but director Floria Sigismondi brings the mixed emotions to the surface in this slightly NSFW video starring Bowie alongside Tilda Swinton as his wife.

Production Company
Director of Photography
Editing Company
Executive Producer