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One Republic "I Lived" (Noble Jones, dir.)

Bryan Warnecke has Cystic Fibrosis and a life expectancy of 36 years. He's not wasting a single day. "I Lived" introduces us to this Colorado teen, who hasn't let his daily treatment or anything else prevent him leading an active life — he's ridden his bike over 1,200 miles, raising over $300,000 for his research — and a dream of one day playing goalie for the US Mens Olympic hockey team.

Beck "Heart Is A Drum" (Sophie Muller, dir.)

Sure, it'll be scary when death comes to visit you — be it in the form of a grim reaper or friendly astronauts — and you reunite with your former selves, but don't be too consumed by fear. Otherwise you'll miss out on the strange beauty. Director Sophie Muller perfectly balances the silly and the serious with a nearly always perfect Beck — eg: Sexx Laws = not quite perfect —  in his Nick Drake mode.