From MV to Movie: Ruben Fleischer + Zombieland

ZombielandLet it be officially known that you can go from directing a Dismemberment Plan video to having the #1 film at the box office. Director Ruben Fleischer caps off a strange journey to the big screen with the box office success of Zombieland, a walking dead parody/homage that stars Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg. Probably a new name to movegoers, Fleischer earned his bonafides in the video world a long time ago thanks to a string of left of center hip-hop and indie videos.

 Key Videography:

Key Reviews (more at Rotten Tomatoes):

  • Time Magazine (Richard Corliss)"This isn't just a good zombie comedy. It's a damn fine movie, period." LINK
  • LA Times  — "First-time feature director Ruben Fleischer brings impeccable timing and bloodthirsty wit to the proceedings Cinematographer Michael Bonvillain captures some interesting images amid the post-apocalyptic carnival of carnage, as when he transforms the destruction of a souvenir shop into a rough ballet. There are even a few poignant moments in the movie, but they don't get in the way of the funny, violent, zombie-killing good time." LINK
  • Rolling Stone "Guilty-pleasure movies should not be underestimated... Director Ruben Fleischer mixes fright and slapstick with bloody glee " LINK
  • Chicago Tribune (Michael Phillips) — "Warts, entrails and all, I had a ball at “Zombieland.” It’s 81 minutes of my kind of stupid." LINK

Worth Noting:

Trailer: Quicktime trailers of Zombieland (including HD)



ucandobetter's picture
how is that a nice blog? more like a trophy case with a mirror.
Steve Gottlieb - Videostatic's picture
It's taken a victory lap for a few days. I'll give you that. (Tho, can you blame him? Dude did put out a movie this past week). But, posting the Make Your Own Star Wars project? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Or, remixed movie posters? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Good posts
Tags: MV To Movie