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Maz Makhani

Tim McGraw and Director Shane C. Drake Win CMA for "Highway Don't Care" Video

Taillight Director Shane Drake’s Music Video for Tim McGraw and Taylor Swift's "Highway Don’t Care" —  featuring Keith Urban on guitar — Takes Home The ACM’s Award For ‘Music Video of the Year’ After Garnering The Top Honor At The Recent CMA’s

Drake Continues His Sweep Of  ‘Video of the Year’ Category With A Second Consecutive ACM Win 

Las Vegas: 

By SJ Golden on April 8, 2014 @ 12:07pm PDT

Talking Katy Perry "Roar" with co-directors Grady Hall and Mark Kudsi

If you're going to trudge into the jungle and challenge some of the most iconic film motifs ever, there's probably not a better choice than the Motion Theory creative team, which has previously tackled the high seas, candyland and way more over the course of many music videos.

Directors Grady Hall and Mark Kudsi — two independent directors at Motion Theory who collaborated on this project — took Katy Perry's "Roar" as a call to empowerment, leading the pop star on a journey from damsel in distress to queen of the jungle.

We recently chatted with the directors about everything from how.PETA recently hijacked a press cycle by questioning the treatment of the many animals in the video, and the general usage of animals in film production — claims which were rebutted by Katy in a statement and further countered in our interview — plus film inspirations, art directing nature and the truth about Junglescope.

Katy Perry "Roar" (Grady Hall, Mark Kudsi, dir.)

The easy description is "Katy Perry as Queen of the Jungle," but that doesn't really capture how massive this production is. Elephants, monkeys, tigers, oh my. A lush tropical practical set — complete with waterfall — and just enough vfx magic to make things sparkle. And then there's Katy, who's got solid comedic timing and looks to remind you of Bettie Page in her jungle finest.

Plus, it was filmed in Junglescope, which I wouldn't be surprised to learn is an actual registered trademark and product from the geniuses at Motion Theory.

Tim McGraw "Highway Don't Care" (Shane C. Drake, dir.)

Highway Don't Care

Here's a big video from Shane C. Drake. It's got Tim McGraw, Taylor Swift and Keith Urban. There's a melodramatic storyline inspired by the perils of distracted driving. And, it also made history by being the first video to be premiered live via a Google+ Hangout Session that McGraw and Drake conducted from Nashville's Belcourt Theater.